Book Cover

Seminar Presentations

Gavin-Hodges Associates

Intense, Tiring, Rewarding, Thinking Sessions
by Roland L. Draughon
Communication Management Trainer-Consultant

The public and in-house courses:

•“Communication Skills & Techniques for Managers,” a one-day crash course specifically for operating management teams who want to anticipate, plan for and manage the influence of workforce communication on achievement of their work unit’s success.

“Planning Communications to Support Organizational Objectives,” a hands-on workshop for (internal and external) workforce communication professionals.

• “Internal Communication Consulting for Bottom-Line Impact,” an intense session for professional workforce communicators who conquer our Matrix learning but need to look at their own on-the-job operating level.

• “Targeting Publications (and other media) to Operating Objectives,” a session for professional organizational editors and for non-professionals drafted into the job of communicators.