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Gavin-Hodges Associates

Black Swan Battle Plan for Workforce Communicators Pat Your Head,  Rub Your Tummy and Whistle Through the Leadership Graveyard
by Roland L. Draughon
Communication Management Trainer-Consultant

“This book should be read by all in the organizational world whose job includes communicating with employees. That includes the person writing the company newsletter, group managers and vice presidents—maybe especially the vice presidents– along with every organizational person charged with leading from the bottom, the middle or the top. Additionally, any one of these people should buy a copy for their CEO. That’s right. CEOs, always interested in the bottom line, might learn a thing or three about how to communicate more effectively with their workforce AND what employee communication expertise they should demand—day in/day out, from all members of their management team.” -Corporate Communications Manager

“I think this book’s main takeaway is engage your brain! If I were heading up internal communication for my company, I would feel completely encouraged to rethink every aspect of my job. I got the idea from reading the book that effective communication in a company is not unlike good lubrication on all the moving parts of a very large engine.” -Office Manager (non-degreed)

“A Black Swan Battle Plan for Workforce CommunicatorsPat Your Head, Rub Your Tummy And Whistle Through the Leadership Graveyard is a layman guide to effective communication between and among employees and corporate executives.  This book could be used as a “playbook” for how communication should be done and why certain situations should be avoided at all costs.  The reader does not need a background in organizational communications to understand the material. I believe this book would be a great read for anyone who has to communicate ideas to the public, not just those whose job it is to create meaningful communication within/throughout a company.” -PhD Educational Academician